‘Salesforce – Latin Women in Australia’ is an initiative started by Carnac Group employee, Livia. Here, we interview Livia, and our new intern, Carolina, to find out more.
Livia, could you tell us about your background?
I am originally from Brazil, with a bachelor’s degree in Administration. When I moved to Australia, I decided to learn more about the technology sector, but it was difficult to get established. I worked hard to build up my Salesforce expertise and door-knocked my way into my first Salesforce experience as a volunteer. I continue to work hard and if I can somehow make it easier for others to follow, then I will. I joined Carnac Group in 2020 and started my project around that time.
So, Livia, tell us about your project!
After beginning my Salesforce journey, I wanted to empower other Latin women to follow a similar path, so I created a group to introduce others to the Salesforce platform and help them develop their Salesforce skills. As a continuously growing area, I think that skills in Salesforce will offer the group many employment opportunities and help them develop skills that are transferable to many positions.

Livia (left) and our intern Carolina (right).
And what motivated you to start this initiative?
From the experience of myself and my friends, it can be difficult for motivated, professional Latin women living overseas to establish or re-establish their careers. We are often faced with prejudices and stereotypes, as well as language barriers, and so many educated and qualified Latin women find themselves in unskilled positions where their expertise is not used.
I started this project to empower Latin women to develop and use their professional skills with Salesforce. Ultimately, I hope it will help them find stable employment, explore new opportunities and further their careers while living overseas.
What does it involve?
I began by offering classes to introduce Salesforce and set up a WhatsApp group as a space for everyone to freely exchange ideas and share achievements. I continue to run sessions when I can find the time and continue to share my story to empower these women to put in time and effort to develop their skills with Salesforce. Although I started the project, I hope for it to be run by the group as a platform to share knowledge, stories, and ideas.
How many women are involved?
20 women signed up for my first class, and the program has now grown to 43!

Livia’s first Salesforce session was a huge success!
That’s fantastic, Livia, well done! Carolina, how did you get involved?
After moving to Australia from Brazil earlier this year, I first met Livia through a mutual friend, who told me all about her story and the project she was starting. I was previously working in product engineering and development, but it was hard to find work here, especially once COVID hit. I was open to ideas and keen to learn as many new skills as possible. I hadn’t heard of Salesforce, but after hearing Livia’s story I was inspired to find out more. I took the COVID-19 lockdown as a chance to begin to get to know Salesforce and earn badges on Trailhead.
And now you’re at Carnac Group!
Yes! When I heard about the internship with Carnac Group, I was determined to work hard to receive the position. I completed the application and interview with the CEO, Vincent, and was so excited to get it! Moving countries during the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis was a crazy experience but I am happy to have settled in now!
What are you hoping to get out of your time with Carnac Group?
I want to continue to improve my skills and learn more about Salesforce and how it works. I also hope to discover my professional purpose and see if Salesforce is the right path for me. Finally, I hope to make an impression on the employees at Carnac Group, and show that I am hard-working and willing to learn. Despite only having used Salesforce for about a month, I think that Carnac Group is offering me a great opportunity and I am so grateful to them and Livia for this experience!
Livia, what have you discovered through your experiences with this initiative?
I have learned a lot about what really makes up a good company. I am so thankful for Carnac Group’s welcoming and supportive culture, and it has helped me see that there are many good people in the world. Carnac Group has been so supportive of my project, even allowing Carolina the opportunity to come on board, and I am so impressed with the strong values of growth, collaboration and to make a change in the world. Many companies have great values on paper, but I think that all the employees and executives at Carnac truly embody these values. I feel that I am empowered by the team, and that they really see my skills and value as a person and look beyond my background and gender. It is inspiring to be a part of a company with such strong values that align with my own!
Wow, that’s great, Livia! So, where to next?
I am so happy with how far the project has already come! I’d love to see this initiative become self-sufficient, and to run by itself through the collaboration and contribution of its members. I see it as a movement to spread collaboration and motivation and empower Latin women to build and share knowledge. I hope to see the women involved in this project discover more opportunities with Salesforce and ensure their future with stable employment in Australia.